Or: Meanwhile, back at Discogs…
The other day I was checking up on car maker Mercedes-Benz‘s contribution to the world of music. It was then that I happened across the debut EP of one Zoe.LeelA via the rec72 netlabel and decided to download it. It’s free, of course.
As an unwritten rule, netlabel archives/releases will — over and above the audio files — sometimes include a playlist, typically some so-called cover art, and occasionally even miscellaneous texts and articles about the artist or album, or scans of newspaper cuttings.
Zoe.LeelA’s “Queendom Come“, for instance, went all out and included PDF documents and an extensive set of high-res, print-quality press kit photos — such as the one below.
Again, nothing unusual about that; the girl’s just trying to promote herself and her music.
Having been mildly intrigued by her 2009 album, I decided to grab her latest single from the same source. It, too included a wealth of promotional material and updated newsletters from 2010.
Updated also was one of her previous photos.
Photoshop sure does more wonders to your complexion than any amount of L’Oreal could ever hope — providing you’ve got some decent photographs, and the skills to do something with them.
However, when you’re lacking either, the results might go viral — as those of the poor models from Gemini Solutions almost did a few months ago.
Photo credits: TOMPiGS and geminimodels.co.za