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Tag Archives: travel
Panoramio: To boldly go where no Google car has gone before
Panoramio was a geo-located tagging photo sharing site whose goal was to allow Google Earth users to learn more about a given area by viewing the photos that other users had taken at that location. It was sometime around 2008 that I signed up, and Panoramio soon became my new home for (retroactively) geotagged digital photos of mostly Johannesburg (my previous geographic home) as well as any other places we visited. Continue reading
Posted in Photography
Tagged blurmany, cartography, data protection, flickr, geography, Germany, Google, panoramio, privacy, public privacy, South Africa, technophobia, travel
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Photo stitching software
AI-based utilities have no place in my personal photo enhancement toolbox. Their results have been more miss than hit on my digitised snapshots. One set of utilities, however, has managed to generate results that almost border on the magical: Photo stitching software. Continue reading
Posted in Photography
Tagged distortion, manipulation, photo enhancement software, photostitch, software, travel
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On flickr and internet thievery
Some photos have a tendency to show up on other, completely unrelated sites and blogs, and there, out of the blue, I get an email to say that one of my photos has been selected for inclusion in the newly released fourth edition of our Schmap Salzburg Guide. Continue reading
Posted in Photography
Tagged copyright, tourism, travel
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As the year 2006 draws to a close, so does the current layout and general structure of this site. Changes will be either gradual or drastic, I’ve no idea at the moment. Continue reading
The beginning of a season called Winter
Now that’s it’s practically illegal to operate a vehicle without pneumatics that suit the current weather, fitting winter tires seemed like a sensible and necessary precaution. As for the sound system: MP3 capabilities are simply a must in today’s world. Continue reading
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Tagged car, GPS, personal, travel
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No more getting lost
Germany is a country where one can get very lost in. In fact, I’ve already managed to get lost by missing a turn on the daily commute home from work! Now that I’ve got some sort of idea of how to solve the “sound problem”, I decided to take the next step and invest in a decent navigation system. Continue reading
History 401: Transitional Period
Having had the pleasure of driving a brand-new rental Renault ScĂ©nic 1.9TDI MPV during a two-week >3000km expedition through parts of Western Europe in May 2006, it became horribly evident that having to return to the old Clio was going … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged car, progression, Renault, travel
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Spent the last two weeks or so cruising through parts of western Europe. Continue reading