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Tag Archives: babes
The smudge that was 2024
2024 is over, and that’s a good thing. It was not a good year. 2024 was, for all intents and purposes, a long blurry smudge of monotony mired in many minor personal disasters and distractions. Playing about with AI-tools and participating in numerous webinars on the topic ate into so much of my time that most projects I had planned for the year remain handwritten bullet points on a piece of paper. I also had a serious flu that may or may not have been covid, a broken tooth, a parking ticket, a speeding ticket, and a nasty case of lumbago. These are white people’s problems that don’t normally happen to me. Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged 2024, AI, AI image editing, babes, catastrophe, current affairs, dilemma, disaster, drama, misfortune, murder-death-kill, pain, time
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Review: 2023
Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war. As of 2023 I’ve officially stopped giving a shit. Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged 2023, AI, babes, corona, current affairs, humanity, John Lennon, murder-death-kill, the end is nigh
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Review: 2022
2022 was a bit of a blurry blemish despite several significant events in my personal life. If it wasn’t for calendars, one could be forgiven for feeling that we’re still in 2020 or went way back to the year 1920. Indeed, 2022 may be remembered as the fuzzy period during which the world turned into a steaming pile of shit – but only in part due to pollution or climate change: it’s humanity that’s lagging behind its own technological advances. Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged 2022, babes, chaos, corona, current affairs, devolution, humanity, in the news, murder-death-kill
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Review: 2021
Although the year 2021 isn’t quite over yet, we may as well write it off now. In all honesty, sometimes I’m not sure what even happened this year because I was cooped up for most of it. I felt disconnected, as if my head was stuck in sand for most of the year — but some noteworthy events did take place after all. Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged 2021, babes, corona, current affairs, in the news, insanity, madness, murder-death-kill
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Christmas Wars
Why the fuck am I driving anywhere near such a congregation of fools with more money than time management skills — on the last Sunday before Christmas, of all days? Never before have we witnessed such masses descend upon these holy temples of consumerist worship. You may know them as malls or shopping centres; I call it the place where the cinema happens to be. Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged babes, cinema, consumerism, humanity, money-money-money, Star Wars, Yuletide
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Review: 2018
As 2018 nears its end, it’s time to reflect on a year that isn’t particularly memorable. Thanos snapped his fingers. Courage, our Jack Russell terrier died. Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged 2018, babes, fake news, GDPR, in the news, murder-death-kill, privacy, Yuletide
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Review: 2017
It’s Christmas. 2017 is almost history, and what a busy year it’s been! I quit an unsatisfying job and took a minor sabbatical. A lot of old stuff was deleted, sold, thrown out, or upgraded. December’s me is certainly not the same as the one in January. 2017 was the year in which humanity manoeuvred itself into a situation where our lives depend on the wisdom of Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump. Continue reading
Rewind: 2015
What an eventful year. Marred by the wilful decimation of fellow human beings, this year has once again shown how adept the human race is at causing its own demise. We love harming one another. France was a particularly popular place for getting executed by people of Arab origin who take their religious beliefs way too seriously. Continue reading