As if it weren’t obvious, July is “animal month”… jokes and stories about them critters that also populate the planet and make up a staple part of our diet. And, in case you’re visually impaired, the crappy layout is no more: it’s been replaced by one that’s less shitty, showcasing my ever-progressing skills in site design and improvements in humility. So, what does the future hold for the HMVH Corporation BBS Online (as we’ve taken to calling ourselves again)?
- We’ve created ourselves a GoogleGroup.
- The site will move over to a new, commercial host, allowing lots of space and bandwidth for all the added features and assorted rubbish you have and will come to expect from this site and its SysOp ;)
- It’ll invariably take the form of a Blog, for reasons of practicality.
- Some of its sub-sections (or mini-sites, if you will) will include some of the smut and other nonsense that featured on the old DOS-based BBS. That ought to be fun!
Now go away, leave me be. I got shit to do…