“From ‘the ashes of primitive and crude prototypes obtained and sourced through outright extortion; in the midst of a near-lycanthropic lifestyle dominated by personal and professional chaos, social hecticism, emotional upheaval, and insomnia tending towards self-destruction and professional burnout, the invention of the Cyberia compilations attempted to capture and absorb that kiss of fresh air that had appeared to have re-awakened the slumbering music scene’ in the year preceding the current millennium. The first compilation was released to an unsuspecting, yet greedy public on March 31st, 1999.
Now, a decade later, the market is saturated. Listenership has dissolved. The format is outmoded. And what a wicked trip it’s been!!”
After 10 YEARS OF CYBERIA, Rufus has left the booth and the studio. The reigns have been handed over, the buck passed, the mind lost.
Salutation: “Thanks to everyone and anyone who has ever wanted, received, listened or danced to, and somehow enjoyed the 1560 minutes of noise, chaos, and music that it’s been my displeasure of assembling and distributing over the last ten years. The journey ends here and now, on January 25th, 2009.”
Originally written January 25th, 2009. Revised and updated March 2015. See background story here.