5 Responses to The rise and fall of Bookogs, Comicogs, Filmogs, Gearogs and Posterogs

  1. Aerozol says:

    It truly truly hurts when peoples work is flushed like that. Discogs made a similar step recently when it got rid of access to high-res images – millions(?) of lovingly scanned images turned unreadable.

    A lot of Bookogs people went over to BookBrainz btw! MusicBrainz was actually initially created after a similar fiasco where the supposedly ‘open’ CDDB was privatized, but that’s another story… Discogs is a EXCELLENT site, no doubt, but I don’t think I would ever trust a private company with my editing time if there’s an alternative. Too many cautionary tales ):

    • hmvh says:

      Well, they’ve certainly managed to alienate many users with that particular stunt, nor am I seeing those resources being redirected into further development of the core Discogs database.

      As for BookBrainz/MusicBrainz, I do consider them a viable alternative (one that could just as quickly go away, though) but also the one that seems to be held in higher regard by the music industry and academia — despite having a lesser amount of data/releases (my latest blog post touches on this topic). Discogs has a huge amount of potential (and worth) but they need to re-focus on what they’re truly excellent at, and blatantly disregard the rest.

      As for my book anti-library, I’ve long settled in at LibraryThing.

      • Aerozol says:

        Ooh, I’ve been very careful not to start cataloguing books (music is an endless task, as you know…), but it’s great to see multiple sites tackling it.

        Even just editing MusicBrainz it is so valuable to have other DB’s to dip into, like Discogs and Rate Your Music, who each have their own bright spots. RYM’s genre system is excellent. Discogs dropping digital completely might leave some gaps in a few discographies/catalogue number orders etc which makes me wince, but I understand the sentiment :P

        I so wish those DB’s would allow cross-linking between them as well.

        btw MetaBrainz projects can’t go away easily – the structure was specifically set up to prevent hijacking, in the CDDB wreckage. If some corp. did manage it, somehow, anyone can host and clone the openly available DB + frontend (and quite a few do anyway) so it would be a pointless endeavour. So I sleep soundly. ish ;)

        Looking forward to browsing the rest of your blog, this entry comes up near the top when you search ‘Bookogs’, and it’s a excellent rundown.

      • hmvh says:

        To be honest, I haven’t thought of RYM for years! So they’re still around.

        I think it’s MusicBrainz’s data model that impresses me the most, particularly their artist cross-references to agencies like viaf.org or isni.org and so forth (which I’ve a feeling aren’t maintained manually). Either way, we’re in 2022 and there still isn’t a common, free and global database that everyone can access and update with honest intention based on real products that actually made it to market (read: the public) which doesn’t have some sort of commercial or self-promotional interest. Spotify may just be the unexpected shining light although their purpose isn’t exactly altruistic either. Nobody wants to work for free, and servers also cost money.

  2. Aerozol says:

    Ah the data model, the best thing about it as well as the casual users kryptonite. I’m trying to avoid being an MB shill but I have to say that there really is as little commercial or self-promotional interest there as you can have while still hosting a DB and employing some people to keep wheels turning. Good luck to any commercial sponsors that try and make demands! The lack of self-promotional interest is their second kryptonite, lovingly embedded into every outdated UI element or tech-heavy document…

    Can’t say I see any shining light coming from Spotify whatsoever, the hellish curse on music that has taken advantage of the drowsy leviathan that was music’s first hellish curse (major labels/’the music industry’) but I am also a Bandcamp shill FYI ;P

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