Tag Archives: collecting

On death, disruption and discs

Every startup’s moonshot dream is to be the one that disrupts the status quo. The latest disruption snuck in via Netflix and my wife. This got me thinking about my own movie collection and general viewing habits again. Continue reading

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Rediscovering philately

A few days ago I made a mistake: I opened a cabinet door. Behind that cabinet door lay my stamp collection. Philately is the perfect hobby for a pandemic. Continue reading

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One decade at Discogs

I’ve been a member of discogs.com for a full decade. It has become as much a part of my daily online regimen as checking my email or Twitter feed. No other site has grabbed my attention in the way that Discogs has, nor has any other online resource infuriated me in the same manner. Discogs is as fascinating as it is frustrating. Continue reading

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