Tag Archives: mortality

On death, disruption and discs

Every startup’s moonshot dream is to be the one that disrupts the status quo. The latest disruption snuck in via Netflix and my wife. This got me thinking about my own movie collection and general viewing habits again. Continue reading

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Mixed emotions: Papa was a rolling stone

Anyone looking through old photographs knows to expect to see pictures of those who are no longer with us. This is normal. Not so in my case: A few weeks ago I was sorting through old photos of my father while, simultaneously and elsewhere, he lay dying a bitter and lonely man. Life is cruel. Continue reading

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The obsolescence of family photo albums

Ah, the family photo albums! Those archivists of activities, those precious nuggets of nostalgia, those reminders of bad haircuts and even worse fashion sense that were cause for much delight when the parents had visitors over and they all gushed over pictures of babies of strangers whom they’ve never met and places nobody barely remembers. Family photos cover the spectrum from braggery from the curator’s perspective to voyeurism on the viewer’s part. Continue reading

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Cassette cover art

A few years ago I wrote that I had successfully digitised my precious collection of music tapes. The same announcement also mentioned a collection of ready-to-use pictures to use for cover art. Well, my stash of envelopes full of small pictures turned up again a few days ago. So I emptied out their contents over the scanner. Continue reading

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My Ravaged Ears: The Sequel

For me, personally, digging through and cataloguing second-hand recordings is an immensely gratifying task, and there must be scores of such treasures that, during their glory days, were proudly displayed in tape cabinets or fancy shelves. Today, these remnants are hidden away in the back of a drawer, stuck in a box under the bed or simply gather dust in the basement. Continue reading

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