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Tag Archives: words
Meta blogging
Any housekeeping writing about how it’s been a while since you’ve written, or how you changed some obscure part of your blog, doesn’t tend to age very well and is seldom particularly compelling in retrospect. The exception are genres like technical or design blogs, where the meta is part of the message. But certainly the world doesn’t need any more “sorry I haven’t written in a while” posts. Continue reading
Posted in Internet
Tagged blogging, mobile, progression, SEO, statistics, web design, words, WWW
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Marketing FAIL: Du darfst
A couple of weeks ago I was stuck behind the TV when programming was interrupted by the usual barrage of messages from their sponsors. And suddenly, amongst all the noise, a female voice proudly proclaimed in her German accent, “Fuck the diet!” Continue reading
Posted in Language
Tagged Denglish, FAIL, German, marketing, much ado about nothing, nutrition, stupidity, words
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Old text files
In the opinion of this author, mankind’s greatest achievement is the written word. And in its most basic 7-bit ASCII form, the written word is therefore nothing less than a device-independent treasure. Continue reading
Words, words, words
“Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.” Continue reading
Results of the latest poll
“Blog, netiquette, cookie and wiki have been voted among the most irritating words spawned by the Internet, according to the results of a poll.” Continue reading
Word Warrior
Spam aside, every so often you receive a totally unexpected and pleasantly surprising email. No, it wasn’t that darn elusive lottery win; this one we triggered ourselves. Continue reading
Confirming an urban legend
No, this is not a hoax nor an urban legend — there really is a place called “Fucking”. Continue reading