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Tag Archives: politics
The fall of walls
It was thirty years ago today that the Berlin Wall fell. The Iron Curtain had been breached, the Eastern Bloc was beginning to crumble. This most cruel of social experiments had finally run its course. A peaceful revolution was under way, and there was no stopping this tide from turning. The world was evolving. Even in a country as far away as South Africa, the developments made headlines. Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged 1989, censorship, change, Germany, humanity, in the news, liberty, politics, South Africa
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New Dickhead of State
Well, well! So Obama’s the new head of state. The election circus is finally over; MILF Palin will be packing her bags and knocked-up teenage daughter and heading back home, close to the frigid border of Siberia. It’ll also be business as usual for McCain, except he’s returning to a far drier state. Continue reading
The story of Dean Hamer and George Michael
As a fellow “uitlander” it was therefore inevitable that we struck up a bit of a friendship, and that’s how I came to have copies of recordings from Power 96 and the now-defunct Rhythm 98, his favourite radio stations from “back home”. Continue reading News
Herewith the latest changes: Some German-language jokes have been gotten rid of. Dubya remains president of the USA. Nobody has delivered Osama’s head yet. Continue reading