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Tag Archives: muslims
Charlie and the Dirty Thumb
Two rather disturbing events took place last week. 12 people were gunned down by the extremist nitwit Kouachi brothers at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris. In another twist of unrelated coincidence, it was the 7th of January — the same day as the shootings — when I saw that my old Google Group had been declared non grata. Continue reading
Posted in Humour
Tagged #JeSuisCharlie, boobies, cartoons, censorship, Google, murder-death-kill, muslims, wasted youth
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Along the same hypocritical lines, it never ceases to amaze how one of my other experimental sites (containing nothing but naughty text stories) was being targeted by primarily visitors from countries with outdated and draconian moral standards. Believe me when I say to you that these are huge percentages where these countries are concerned, considering that far busier sites with far more wholesome (read: clean) content are drawing way less visitors from the Arab world. Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged current affairs, in the news, irony, muslims, religion, sexuality
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Herewith the latest changes: Some German-language jokes have been gotten rid of. Dubya remains president of the USA. Nobody has delivered Osama’s head yet. Continue reading